Latest news
October 2014 Update: Exhibition & Beginner's Workshop in Kerry on Oct 31 & Nov 1st!
I've been invited to run an exhibition and workshop by the Kerry International Dark Sky Reserve.On the Friday, 31st of October at Tech Amergin Arts Centre Waterville, I'll be giving a lecture on Astrophotography and displaying some Framed Images of my work.The following day, the 1st of November, I'll be running a Beginner's Workshop on DSLR Imaging. Weather permitting when its gets dark, we'll venture outside and try to put into practice what we learned in the workshop.In the workshop, we'll learn the basics of the cameras settings, and how to take your first astrophotos. We'll talk about equipment, techniques...
July 2014 Update : Exciting update on the 6x5 Galactic Centre Project!
I'm happy to say that I've completed the Luminance for the 6x5 Galactic Centre project that I'm currently working on! This is a 6x5 Full Frame Widefield Mosaic of the Galactic Centre that stretches from The Globular Cluster M22 in the bottom left to Barnards 72 Snake nebula in the bottom right, all the way up to Eagle nebula in the top left, and across to the star fields of Ophiuchi in the top right.The focal length is 530mm, and the total area covers approximately 18 degrees x 15 degrees of the sky. I have 3 rows of RGB data...
July 2014 Update: Free all-day workshop in the "Scopes & Space" shop in Airside, Dublin in July 2014
I'll be giving an all day workshop in the upstairs room of the Scopes and Space shop in Airside (directions), on Saturday the 26th of July 2014!This is a free workshop starting at 12 noon and lasting approx. 5 hours. The workshop is intended for those wanting to learn about the Image Processing involved in making Deep Sky Astro photographs. I'll be discussing the equipment required (DSLRs and CCDs) and will explain how to take darks and flats, and how they are used to calibrate the Deep Sky shots. From there I'll run through the s/w processing of the stacked images to...
January 2014 Update: Astrophotography Workshops at the BBC Stargazing LIVE 2014 event
On January 9th 2014, I'll be giving 4 workshop talks with hands-on photography, at the BBC Stargazing Live 2014 event at The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Holywood. The workshops will be entry-level and suitable for all ages, where I'll be teaching newcomers how to start in astrophotography. We'll be using DSLRs in this beginner's guide to taking the first photographs of the night sky. The workshops are free and all are welcome, so why not come along and ask lots of questions, which I'll hopefully be able to answer! :) Links/Resources BBC Stargazing LIVE website More info on this Thursday's event in...
January 2014 Update: "Cosmic Vistas: The Universe in Colour" talk at the Galway Astronomy Festival 2014 (City of Stars)
On the 1st of February 2014, I'll be giving my Cosmic Vistas: The Universe in Colour talk at the Galway Astronomy Festival 2014. I'll have the large 30x20 framed images of the award winning "Rho Ophiuchi and Orion Nebulae", as well as some of the smaller 15x15 images on view. This promises to be a great day out with a variety of speakers giving lectures, workshops, and trade stands on view. Links/Resources Galway Astronomy Club website A great promo video for the Galway Astronomy Festival can be viewed here.