Cone to Rosette Nebulae
This picture is a 4 pane mosaic, covering approximately 7x4 degrees of sky (The moon is 0.5 degrees in size), taken over 17 nights in December 2011, and January and February in 2012. 4 hours of Luminance, and 4 hours of Ha were combined with 2 hours of Red, Green, and Blue per panel. This gives a total exposure of 56 hours for the entire image. In the Winter sky the Milky Way can be seen as it stretches through the constellation Monoceros. While the Rosette nebula is the brightest nebula in the constellation, there are a host of exotic objects nearby which can be seen in a wide-field image of the area.
In this image, there are great examples of Emission Nebula include the Fox Fur Nebula, the Cone Nebula, and the Rosette Nebula. The Fox fur is well named, its shape resembles a fox with a nose, ears and a mane. The Cone nebula is pointing towards part of the extended nebula sometimes known as Hubble’s Variable Nebula. i.e. a nebula which varies in brightness every few weeks. There are various Star clusters in the image. In the center of the Rosette nebula itself is the open cluster NGC2238. On the other side of the photograph is the beautiful golden cluster denoted Trumpler 5, which is a metal poor, old cluster, also nearby are the open clusters NGC 2251 and NGC 2259. There is a large Dark Nebula on the left of the image which was discovered by E.E. Barnard. Dark nebula are clouds of dust that obscure light coming from behind the cloud. They appear as dark, or black voids in space
Note: All our prints are printed on Baryta 325g Paper, which is an excellent paper for framing. The paper is a gloss type, which gives very vivid colour views.